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Nathan's Photo

Age: 13
Grade: 7th
Number of years on team: 3
What I learned this year in FLL: This doesn't help you a lot in the future but, library floors are made out of steel reinforced concrete and by law they have to be able to hold 150 pounds per square inch.
My favorite mission from 'No Limits' and why: The Table Mission because our attachment that delivers the food is complicated and really cool.
Other hobbies and interests I have: Skiing, LEGOs, sword-fighting trees, LEGOs, making animations, LEGOs, and playing computer games, LEGOs, and making stuff with Duct Tape.
Favorite quote: [Zach] "It's not any kind of fabric I've ever seen..."
[Lauren] "That's cause you're reading it in Spanish!"
Favorite memory from Atlanta or what I am looking forward to or both: Wow there's too many.  Can't I just pick the whole 3 days?!